Manisha Manisha

The TCK Survival Guide

With a know it all attitude, we TCKs usually stride into a new country and integrate their culture into ours. However, in instances where you have little or no familiar support, such as moving to university in a different country, the shift will be difficult, and that's ok. This is a guide for TCKs who feel like they need some help accepting change.

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Jet Fung Liew Jet Fung Liew

Christmas Spirit

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, Merry Christmas everyone! Let's have a quick check if you have Christmas spirit. Do you wish people Merry Christmas, exchange gifts with others, decorate your room with Christmas decorations, and celebrate it with friends or family? If you have the idea to carry them out, congrats, you have a strong Christmas spirit, so please keep it up. Children and adults have different thoughts about Christmas. For children, it will mostly be about gifts, decorations, and meeting Santa Claus. Adults, on the other hand, enjoy Christmas with friends and family to create lasting memories. In this article, I will share insights into how I regained my Christmas spirit in a new country and how Christmas is celebrated in ASEAN countries. Have a great Christmas!

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Isabella Tan Isabella Tan

Education in Indonesia: What Should Have Been

Indonesian education has been plagued by multiple issues that has been preventing the national from progressing. This article seeks to explore and introduce some of the problems Indonesia is currently facing.

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Lyn Hartono Lyn Hartono

Blending in with the Brits

Everyone always thinks they'll never be hit with culture shock. After all, much to the dismay of our Asian parents, we've pretty much been raised by Western media. Is it somehow possible that at the wise age of 18, we don't actually know everything.

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Yit Xiang Wong Yit Xiang Wong

Conflicted Emotions: How Should Southeast Asia Mourn the Queen?

Perhaps there was some sort of internal conflict of how you should feel when the announcement came about on the Queen’s death. This article just explores both sides of the argument - about the respect that she deserves, while acknowledging the complications of our colonial past.

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Yit Xiang Wong Yit Xiang Wong

Interracial Relationships: The Love that Sees Colours

In a modern world that embraces diversity, it doesn’t make sense why interracial relationships are significantly rarer than same-race relationships. This article uncovers some of the hidden aspects of interracial relationships in Southeast Asia, and why don’t we see them as often.

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